There are 312 articles for you to read.
Author: gene_x
Abstract: 1. Bioinformatics Methods Sequence Extraction and Comparative Analysis Genomic regions surrounding the multidrug efflux MFS transporter were extracted from five isolates of Acinetobacter b
Author: gene_x
Abstract: > 概述 干眼症是一种常见状况,发生在眼泪不能给眼睛提供足够润滑时。多种原因都可能导致眼泪不充足或不稳定。例如,如果您的眼泪分泌不足或质量不高,就会出现干眼症。这种泪液的不稳定性会导致眼睛表面发生炎症和损伤。
Author: gene_x
Abstract: > > [![XICRA_pipeline](/static/rnaseq_smallrnaseq_ute/XICRA_pipeline.png "XICRA_pipeline")](/static/rnaseq_smallrnase
Author: gene_x
Abstract: > only one mutant, PacBio long-sequencing find the positions of transposons > Häufigkeit in mixed mutants using short-sequencing > DEGs regarding Häufigkeit using short-sequencing [![circos_on_CP00
Author: gene_x
Abstract: 1. call variant calling using snippy mv snippy_HDRNA_01 snippy_CP133676 mv snippy_HDRNA_03 snippy_CP133677 cp -r snippy_HDRNA_06 snippy_CP133678 mv snippy_HDRNA_06 s
Author: gene_x
Abstract: Draw plots for piRNA generated by COMPSRA 1. Generate the following files according to STEPS 1-4 from
Author: gene_x
Abstract: 1. Generate the following files according to STEPS 1-4 from,
Author: gene_x
Abstract: [![DEGs_heatmap_WaGa](/static/rnaseq_smallrnaseq_ute/DEGs_heatmap_WaGa.png "DEGs_heatmap_WaGa")](/static/rnaseq_smallrnaseq_ute/DEGs_heatmap_WaGa.png "DEGs_heatmap_WaGa") 1, input files (use R 4.3.3
Author: gene_x
Abstract: >,2,3,4,5,6,d-i, The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) has funded numerous open source software projects through its Essential Open Source Software f
Author: gene_x
Abstract: Top Bioconductor Packages * DESeq2: Differential gene expression analysis based on the negative binomial distribution. * edgeR: Differential expression analysis of RNA-Seq and other count data. * lim
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