There are 352 articles for you to read.

Enhanced Visualization of Gene Presence in Luise_Sepi_STKN

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![ggtree_and_gheatmap_mibi_selected_genes](/static/Data_Luise_Sepi_STKN/ggtree_and_gheatmap_mibi_selected_genes.png "ggtree_and_gheatmap_mibi_selected_genes")](/static/Data_Luise_Sepi_STKN/ggtree_and

Identify all occurrences of Phages MT880870, MT880871 and MT880872 in S. epidermidis ST2 genomes from public and clinical isolates

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![ggtree_and_gheatmap_ST2_phages](/static/MT880870_MT880871_MT880872/ggtree_and_gheatmap_ST2_phages.png "ggtree_and_gheatmap_ST2_phages")](/static/MT880870_MT880871_MT880872/ggtree_and_gheatmap_ST2_p

Identify all occurrences of Phage HH1 MT880870 in S. epidermidis ST2 genomes from public and clinical isolates

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![ggtree_and_gheatmap_MT880870](/static/images/ggtree_and_gheatmap_MT880870.png "ggtree_and_gheatmap_MT880870")](/static/images/ggtree_and_gheatmap_MT880870.png "ggtree_and_gheatmap_MT880870") 1. in

Die 10 besten Skigebiete Deutschlands: Skifahren mit der Familie

Author: gene_x

Abstract: > Deutschland ist ein wahres Wintersportparadies. Travanto verrät Ihnen die 10 besten Skigebiete Deutschlands

Time synchronization failed

Author: gene_x

Abstract: > Steps to Enable NTP Support 1. Check if systemd-timesyncd is Running Ensure that the default time synchronization servic

Deciphering S. aureus with metatranscriptomics (Marc's project)

Author: gene_x

Abstract: > RNAseq analaysis using nextflow set reference as CP000255 1. prepare reference mkdir raw_data; cd raw_data ln -s ../F24A430002261_BACwhbaP/P50_LH1+2/P50_LH1+2_1.fq.gz P50_LH1and2_R

EPDM-Folie: Von der Reifenindustrie zum modernen Flachdachmaterial

Author: gene_x

Abstract: Das Material, das für ein einteiliges, durchgehendes und dichtes Flachdach verwendet wird, nennt man oft EPDM-Folie (Ethylen-Propylen-Dien-Monomer). Es handelt sich um eine elastische, wasserdichte Gu

TODO: mapping virus reads should use TopHat2, BWA or Bowtie2 could not detect splice events.

Author: gene_x

Abstract: > RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) * Library preparation for strand specific RNA sequencing was carried out using the NEXTflex Directional RNA-Seq Kit (Bioo Scientific) according to the manufacturer’s instru

Virus Genome Analysis Pipeline: Hybrid Capture, DAMIAN Blastn, and VRAP Mapping for Measles (麻疹) Sample

Author: gene_x

Abstract: [![Measles_S1_on_OR854811_reads_coverage](/static/images/Measles_S1_on_OR854811_reads_coverage.png "Measles_S1_on_OR854811_reads_coverage")](/static/images/Measles_S1_on_OR854811_reads_coverage.png "M

What is rlog in DESeq2?

Author: gene_x

Abstract: The regularized log transformation (rlog) in DESeq2 is a function designed to stabilize the variance in RNA-seq count data, making it more suitable for downstream statistical analyses. This transforma

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