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Tags: repository, database
Create an account: First, create a GEO account at If you already have an NCBI account, you can use the same credentials to log in.
Upload data files via FTP: Upload your raw data and processed data files to the GEO server using an FTP client. Please refer to GEO's FTP upload instructions:
Download the appropriate template: Based on your data type, download the corresponding Excel template (called "SOFT" files) from the GEO submission guidelines page: There are different templates for platforms, samples, and series.
Prepare metadata in the Excel template: Fill out the Excel template with the required information about your samples, platform, and series (experiment). Be sure to follow the GEO guidelines for formatting and required fields.
Platform: Describe the technology used for data generation (e.g., microarray or RNA-seq). Provide platform details like manufacturer, layout, probe sequences, etc.
Samples: Provide sample details such as source, treatment, extraction protocol, labeling, and hybridization methods. Also, include any relevant clinical or phenotypic data.
Series: Describe the overall experiment design and goals, as well as any related publications or supplementary files.
Submit the Excel template: Log in to the GEO Submission Portal ( using your NCBI account. Click "Submit" to start a new submission and upload the completed Excel template.
Notify GEO about your FTP file transfer (suitable for high-throughput sequencing or large microarray submissions and updates).
Wait for the review: The GEO team will review your submission and may contact you for additional information or clarification. Once your submission is approved, you will receive a confirmation email containing your GEO accession number(s).
Cite your data: Include the GEO accession number(s) in any related publications or presentations to ensure proper attribution and facilitate data discovery.
For more detailed instructions and guidelines, visit the GEO Submission Guidelines page:
Quick Instructions
* Updating GEO records (that have been processed and approved) can be labor-intensive and time-consuming, so please carefully prepare your submission before you transfer your files to the GEO FTP server.
* A complete GEO submission consists of the following 3 components. If your transfer does not include all 3 components, please explain the reason in the comment box below. An incomplete submission may result in processing delays.
* When this submission should be released to the public (more information about release dates)
Exploring Integrative Analysis of Multi-Omics Data from Public Repositories
Comparing Ensembl and UCSC Genome Databases: Key Differences and Similarities
Cross-Database Gene Annotation: Mapping Ensembl and UCSC Gene IDs
Overview of Bioinformatics Repositories: Centralizing Biological Data for Scientific Advancement
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