Preparing custom gtf and bed files for nextflow RNA-seq pipeline

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Tags: genes, processing

-- 0, generate the ref.gtf and ref.bed from GenBank file: HD21-2_new.gtf and HD21-2_new.bed --

#[PREPARE gtf from gff]
#DEL HD21-2_chr.gbk > HD21-2.gtf
#DEL HD21-2_plasmid_pHD21-2_1.gbk >> HD21-2.gtf
#DEL HD21-2_plasmid_pHD21-2_2.gbk >> HD21-2.gtf

#-- STEP 0.0: download the gff3 files --
cat HD21-2_chr.gff3 HD21-2_plasmid1.gff3 HD21-2_plasmid2.gff3 > HD21-2.gff3

#-- STEP 0.1: rename CDS to exon! --
gffread -E -F -O -T HD21-2.gff3 -o HD21-2.gtf
sed -i -e "s/\tCDS\t/\texon\t/g" HD21-2.gtf 
#Genbank_CDS --> Genbank_exon
#cmsearch_CDS --> cmsearch_exon
#tRNAscan-SE_CDS --> tRNAscan-SE_exon
#or xxx_CDS --> xxx_exon --> xxx[cmsearch, Genbank, tRNAscan] exon
#-- STEP 0.2: add protein_coding "xxxx" to type exon
#exon (former Genbank CDS): 2657 = (Genbank transcript + cmsearch transcript + tRNAscan-SE transcript) = (2586+61+10)
#Genbank region:                                   7
#        transcript:                            2649
#Genbank_exon == Genbank transcript             2586
#tRNAscan-SE_exon == tRNAscan-SE transcript       61
#cmsearch_exon == cmsearch transcript             10
#total                                          5313 (transcript 2649-->bed, exon 2657, region 7)

#in kate "\texon" --> "_exon"
grep "Genbank_exon" HD21-2.gtf > HD21-2_Genbank_exon.gtf            #add gene_biotype "protein_coding"; at the end of line (2586)
grep "tRNAscan-SE_exon" HD21-2.gtf > HD21-2_tRNAscan-SE_exon.gtf    #add gene_biotype "tRNA"; at the end of line (61)
grep "cmsearch_exon" HD21-2.gtf > HD21-2_cmsearch_exon.gtf          #add gene_biotype "RNase_P_RNA";| gene_biotype "ncRNA";| gene_biotype "rRNA";| gene_biotype "tmRNA";| gene_biotype "SRP_RNA"; at the end (10)

grep -i -e "cmsearch" HD21-2.gtf > temp
grep -i -e "gene_biotype" temp > temp2
CP052994.1  cmsearch    transcript  1286239 1286622 .   -   .   transcript_id "rna-HKH70_06005"; gene_id "gene-HKH70_06005"; gene_name "rnpB"; Dbxref "RFAM:RF00011"; gbkey "ncRNA"; gene "rnpB"; inference "COORDINATES: profile:INFERNAL:1.1.1"; locus_tag "HKH70_06005"; product "RNase P RNA component class B"; Name "rnpB"; gene_biotype "RNase_P_RNA";
CP052994.1  cmsearch    transcript  1452715 1452905 .   -   .   transcript_id "rna-HKH70_06865"; gene_id "gene-HKH70_06865"; gene_name "ssrS"; Dbxref "RFAM:RF00013"; gbkey "ncRNA"; gene "ssrS"; inference "COORDINATES: profile:INFERNAL:1.1.1"; locus_tag "HKH70_06865"; product "6S RNA"; Name "ssrS"; gene_biotype "ncRNA";
CP052994.1  cmsearch    transcript  1706296 1706410 .   -   .   transcript_id "rna-HKH70_08190"; gene_id "gene-HKH70_08190"; gene_name "rrf"; Dbxref "RFAM:RF00001"; gbkey "rRNA"; gene "rrf"; inference "COORDINATES: profile:INFERNAL:1.1.1"; locus_tag "HKH70_08190"; product "5S ribosomal RNA"; Name "rrf"; gene_biotype "rRNA";

grep -v "_exon" HD21-2.gtf > HD21-2_non_exon.gtf #2656
cat HD21-2_non_exon.gtf HD21-2_Genbank_exon.gtf HD21-2_tRNAscan-SE_exon.gtf HD21-2_cmsearch_exon.gtf  > HD21-2_new.gtf #5313

#in kate "exon" --> "\texon"
#[Eventually] sort the HD21-2_new.gtf using libreoffice
#[Eventually] replace "" with "; "transcript_id with transcript_id; "\n with \n in kate

#-- STEP 0.3: PREPARE bed from gtf
#[Eventually] replace '\t0\t' with '\t.\t' in the gff-file in the kate-editor
gffread -E -F --bed HD21-2_new.gtf -o HD21-2_new.bed  #   .. loaded 2649 genomic features from HD21-2_new.gtf

#[IMPORTANT] delelte [*.1] in gtf, bed. In fa could be e.g. ">CP052994 Staphylococcus epidermidis strain HD21-2 chromosome, complete genome"
#GTF: CP052994.1      Genbank exon    1       1356    .       +       .       transcript_id "gene-HKH70_00005"; gene_id "gene-HKH70_00005"; gene_name "dnaA"; Dbxref "NCBI_GP:QRJ41002.1"; Name "QRJ41002.1"; gbkey "CDS"; gene "dnaA"; inference "COORDINATES: similar to AA sequence:RefSeq:WP_017723675.1"; locus_tag "HKH70_00005"; product "chromosomal replication initiator protein DnaA"; protein_id "QRJ41002.1"; transl_table "11"; gene_biotype "protein_coding";
#BED: CP052994.1      0       1356    gene-HKH70_00005        100     +       0       1356    0,0,0   1       1356,   0,      CDS=0:1356;CDSphase=0;geneID=gene-HKH70_00005;gene_name=dnaA;Name=dnaA;gbkey=Gene;gene=dnaA;gene_biotype=protein_coding;locus_tag=HKH70_00005

-- 2 --
conda activate rnaseq
# --> !!!! SUCCESSFUL !!!!
nextflow run rnaseq --reads '/home/jhuang/DATA/Data_Anna_HAPDICS_RNASeq/raw_data/*_R{1,2}.fq.gz' --fasta /home/jhuang/DATA/Data_Anna_HAPDICS_RNASeq/HD21-2.fa --gtf /home/jhuang/DATA/Data_Anna_HAPDICS_RNASeq/HD21-2_new.gtf --bed12 /home/jhuang/DATA/Data_Anna_HAPDICS_RNASeq/HD21-2_new.bed -profile standard --aligner hisat2 --fcGroupFeatures gene_id --fcGroupFeaturesType gene_biotype --saveReference --skip_genebody_coverage --skip_dupradar --skip_preseq --skip_edger  -resume
#default fcGroupFeatures="gene_biotype" (or gbkey)
      --skip_qc                     Skip all QC steps apart from MultiQC
      --skip_fastqc                 Skip FastQC
      --skip_rseqc                  Skip RSeQC
      --skip_genebody_coverage      Skip calculating genebody coverage
      --skip_preseq                 Skip Preseq
      --skip_dupradar               Skip dupRadar (and Picard MarkDups)
      --skip_edger                  Skip edgeR MDS plot and heatmap
      --skip_multiqc                Skip MultiQC

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