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If you are looking for a library with a syntax similar to ggplot2 for creating 3D plots in R, you might want to check out the ggplot2 extension packages ggplot2_3d, ggplot2rayshader, or rayshader. Here is a brief description of each package:
ggplot2_3d: This package provides an extension to ggplot2 that allows you to create 3D plots using the same syntax as ggplot2. The package adds a geom_3d() function and several 3D coordinate systems that can be used to create different types of 3D plots.
ggplot2rayshader: This package extends ggplot2 with the rayshader package to create 3D plots with realistic shading and lighting effects. It provides functions for creating elevation maps, hillshades, and combining them with ggplot2 layers.
rayshader: This package allows you to create 2D and 3D maps and visualizations using a combination of ggplot2 and raytracing techniques. It provides functions for creating elevation maps, hillshades, and adding water features and labels to the plots.
Here is an example code snippet using the ggplot2_3d package to create a 3D scatter plot:
# create a 3D scatter plot
ggplot(data = iris, aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width, z = Petal.Length, color = Species)) +
geom_3d(point_size = 3) +
# create a 3D scatter plot
ggplot(data = iris, aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width, z = Petal.Length, color = Species)) +
geom_3d(point_size = 3) +
This will create a 3D scatter plot of the iris dataset with Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, and Petal.Length as the x, y, and z coordinates, respectively, and Species as the color variable. The geom_3d() function is used to specify the type of plot, and the theme_3d() function is used to add a 3D theme to the plot.
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