Co-Authorship Network Generator using scraped data from Google Scholar via SerpAPI

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Tags: processing, pipeline


  1. main script

    import networkx as nx
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import bibtexparser
    import re
    #python3 > articles_Brinkmann.txt
    #grep -o 'title' articles_Brinkmann.txt | wc -l
    # Helper function to clean special characters from strings
    def clean_string(s):
        s = s.replace('.', '')  # Remove periods
        s = re.sub(r'[{}]', '', s)  # Remove curly braces used in BibTeX formatting
        s = re.sub(r'\\[a-zA-Z]{1,2}', '', s)  # Remove LaTeX commands (e.g., \textcopyright)
        return ' '.join([n for n in s.split(' ') if len(n) > 1])  # Remove single-letter names
    # Load the .bib file
    with open('articles_Brinkmann.txt', 'r') as bibtex_file:
        bib_database = bibtexparser.load(bibtex_file)
    # Create an empty graph
    G = nx.Graph()
    #internal_authors = ["L Redecke", "T Schulz", "M Brinkmann"]
    #internal_authors = list(set(internal_authors))
    # Initialize an empty set for internal authors
    internal_authors = set()
    # Iterate through each entry in the bibtex file
    for entry in bib_database.entries:
        # Get and clean authors
        authors = entry.get('authors', '').split(', ')
        #cleaned_authors = [clean_string(author) for author in authors]
        # Print authors
        #print(f"Authors: {cleaned_authors}")
        print(f"Authors: {authors}")
        # Add authors to the internal_authors set
    # Convert the internal_authors set to a list
    #internal_authors = list(internal_authors)
    internal_authors = list(set(internal_authors))
    print(f"Internal Authors: {internal_authors}")
    #print("Nodes:", G.nodes())
    #print("Edges:", G.edges())
    # Iterate through each entry in the bibtex file
    for entry in bib_database.entries:
        title = entry.get('title', '').replace('=', ' ')
        #title = clean_string(f"Paper/{title}")
        authors = entry.get('authors', '').split(', ')  # Authors are separated by 'and' in BibTeX
        for author in authors:
            #author = clean_string(f"Author/{author}")
            if author in internal_authors:
                G.add_edge(author, title)
    ## Try different layout engines if 'sfdp' is problematic
    #    pos = nx.nx_pydot.graphviz_layout(G, prog='sfdp')
    #except AssertionError:
    #    print("Error with sfdp layout, switching to 'dot' layout.")
    #    pos = nx.nx_pydot.graphviz_layout(G, prog='dot')  # Fallback to 'dot'
        pos = nx.nx_pydot.graphviz_layout(G, prog='sfdp')
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error generating layout:", e)
        pos = nx.spring_layout(G)  # Fallback to another layout
    for node in G.nodes():
        if isinstance(node, str):
            G.nodes[node]['label'] = node.replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '_')
    print("Nodes in the graph:", G.nodes())
    # Determine maximum length for author nodes
    max_len = max([len(n) for n in G.nodes() if n in internal_authors])
    plt.figure(figsize=(96, 72))
    #plot nodes for authors
    nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos,
        #nodelist=[n for n in G.nodes() if n.startswith('Author/')],
        nodelist=[n for n in G.nodes() if n in internal_authors],
    #plot nodes for publications
    nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos,
        nodelist=[n for n in G.nodes() if n not in internal_authors],
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos)
    nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos,
        labels={n: n.split('/')[-1].replace(' ', '\n') for n in G.nodes() if n in internal_authors},
        font_color='w', font_size=10, font_weight='bold', font_family='serif') #font_family='sans-serif')
    #'serif': Uses a serif typeface (e.g., Times New Roman).
    #'sans-serif': Uses a sans-serif typeface (e.g., Helvetica, Arial).
    #'monospace': Uses a monospace typeface (e.g., Courier New).
    #'DejaVu Sans': A popular sans-serif typeface available in many environments.
    #'Arial': A widely available sans-serif typeface.
    #'Times New Roman': A classic serif typeface.
    #'Comic Sans MS': A casual sans-serif typeface.
    # Save the plot as a PNG file
    #, bbox_inches="tight"
    plt.savefig("co_author_network.png", format="png")
    #convert Figure_2.png -crop 1340x750+315+135 co_author_network_cropped_2.png
    # Count the number of publications and authors
    publications = [n for n in G.nodes() if n not in internal_authors]
    #authors = [n for n in G.nodes() if n in internal_authors]
    # Print the counts
    print(f"Number of Publications: {len(publications)}")
    print(f"Number of Authors: {len(internal_authors)}")
    #68, 476
    ## Optionally, print out the publications and authors themselves
    #print(f"Publications: {publications}")
    print(f"Authors: {internal_authors}")
  2. code of

    from serpapi import GoogleSearch
    #pip install google-search-results
    #We are able to extract: name, link, author_id, affiliations, email, and thumbnail results.
    params = {
      "engine": "google_scholar_author",
      "author_id": "5AzhtgUAAAAJ",
      "api_key": "ed",
      "num" : 100
    #-- for each publication, view complete citation statistics per year, e.g. for 5AzhtgUAAAAJ:KlAtU1dfN6UC
    #params = {
    #  "engine": "google_scholar_author",
    #  "citation_id": "5AzhtgUAAAAJ:KlAtU1dfN6UC",
    #  "view_op": "view_citation",
    #  "api_key": "ed"
    search = GoogleSearch(params)
    results = search.get_dict()
    ## Safely get the co_authors
    #co_authors = results.get("co_authors", [])
    #if co_authors:
    #    print("Co-authors:", co_authors)
    #    print("No co-authors found.")
    ##co_authors = results["co_authors"]
  3. code of

    from serpapi import GoogleSearch
    params = {
      "engine": "google_scholar_author",
      "author_id": "P1pS4s0AAAAJ",
      "view_op": "list_colleagues",
      "api_key": "ed"
    search = GoogleSearch(params)
    results = search.get_dict()
    co_authors = results["co_authors"]

    import requests
    api_key = "60"
    url = ""
    params = {
        "api_key": api_key,
        "query": "Melanie M. Brinkmann",
        "language": "en",
        "page": 10,
        "results": 100
    response = requests.get(url, params=params)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        data = response.json()
        print(f"Request failed with status code: {response.status_code}")
  5. post-processing of the file generated by

    #delete all header and ends: namely remove "...'articles': [" and "], cited_by= {"table"= [{citations= {"all"= 5351, "since_2019"= 2358}}, {"h_index"= {"all"= 33, "since_2019"= 25}}, {"i10_index"= {"all"= 47, "since_2019"= 42}}], graph= [{year= 2006, citations= 22}, {year= 2007, citations= 73}, {year= 2008, citations= 93}, {year= 2009, citations= 216}, {year= 2010, citations= 204}, {year= 2011, citations= 293}, {year= 2012, citations= 269}, {year= 2013, citations= 331}, {year= 2014, citations= 282}, {year= 2015, citations= 308}, {year= 2016, citations= 281}, {year= 2017, citations= 301}, {year= 2018, citations= 266}, {year= 2019, citations= 288}, {year= 2020, citations= 369}, {year= 2021, citations= 609}, {year= 2022, citations= 430}, {year= 2023, citations= 366}, {year= 2024, citations= 288}]}, 'public_access': {'link': '', 'available': 50, 'not_available': 4}}"
    "}, {'title':" --> "}\n\n@article{1, title="
    replace 1 to actual id (1,...,82)
    "MM Brinkmann" --> "M Brinkmann"
    "link" --> link, "citation_id" --> citation_id, "authors"-->authors, "publication"-->publication, "cited_by"-->cited_by, "serpapi_link"-->serpapi_link, "graph"-->graph, "cites_id"-->cites_id, "year"-->year, "citations"-->citations, "value" --> value
    #manually replace the author complete name by clicking the google scholar links
    #remove the records still with abbreviated name in the links.
    #The end effect as follows:
    @article{1, title= "UNC93B1 delivers nucleotide-sensing toll-like receptors to endolysosomes", link= "https=//", citation_id= "5AzhtgUAAAAJ=W7OEmFMy1HYC", authors= "You-Me Kim, Melanie M Brinkmann, Marie-Eve Paquet, Hidde L Ploegh", publication= "Nature 452 (7184), 234-238, 2008", cited_by= {value= 847, link= "https=//", serpapi_link= "https=//", cites_id= "3461748963046634721"}, year= "2008"}
    @article{2, title= "Proteolytic cleavage in an endolysosomal compartment is required for activation of Toll-like receptor 9", link= "https=//", citation_id= "5AzhtgUAAAAJ=4TOpqqG69KYC", authors= "Boyoun Park, Melanie M Brinkmann, Eric Spooner, Clarissa C Lee, You-Me Kim, Hidde L Ploegh", publication= "Nature immunology 9 (12), 1407-1414, 2008", cited_by= {value= 587, link= "https=//", serpapi_link= "https=//", cites_id= "8523162291112327960"}, year= "2008"}
    @article{3, title= "The interaction between the ER membrane protein UNC93B and TLR3, 7, and 9 is crucial for TLR signaling", link= "https=//", citation_id= "5AzhtgUAAAAJ=-f6ydRqryjwC", authors= "Melanie M Brinkmann, Eric Spooner, Kasper Hoebe, Bruce Beutler, Hidde L Ploegh, You-Me Kim", publication= "The Journal of cell biology 177 (2), 265-275, 2007", cited_by= {value= 562, link= "https=//", serpapi_link= "https=//", cites_id= "13542374013520997852"}, year= "2007"}
    @article{4, title= "Noncanonical autophagy is required for type I interferon secretion in response to DNA-immune complexes", link= "https=//", citation_id= "5AzhtgUAAAAJ=KlAtU1dfN6UC", authors= "Jill Henault, Jennifer Martinez, Jeffrey M Riggs, Jane Tian, Payal Mehta, Lorraine Clarke, Miwa Sasai, Eicke Latz, Melanie M Brinkmann, Akiko Iwasaki, Anthony J Coyle, Roland Kolbeck, Douglas R Green, Miguel A Sanjuan", publication= "Immunity 37 (6), 986-997, 2012", cited_by= {value= 376, link= "https=//", serpapi_link= "https=//", cites_id= "6648645242373278731"}, year= "2012"}
    @article{5, title= "Granulin is a soluble cofactor for toll-like receptor 9 signaling", link= "https=//", citation_id= "5AzhtgUAAAAJ=M3ejUd6NZC8C", authors= "Boyoun Park, Ludovico Buti, Sungwook Lee, Takashi Matsuwaki, Eric Spooner, Melanie M Brinkmann, Masugi Nishihara, Hidde L Ploegh", publication= "Immunity 34 (4), 505-513, 2011", cited_by= {value= 223, link= "https=//", serpapi_link= "https=//", cites_id= "8731573748380815185"}, year= "2011"}
    #Check how many unique author names in the graphics?
    sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' author_names.txt | sort -u > author_name_uniq.txt
    sort -uf author_names.txt > author_name_uniq.txt
    cat author_names.txt | tr -cd '\11\12\15\40-\176' | sort -u > author_name_uniq.txt
    sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' author_names.txt | tr -cd '\11\12\15\40-\176' | sort -uf > author_name_uniq.txt
    sed 's/‐/-/g' author_names.txt | sort -u > author_name_uniq.txt
    cat author_name_uniq.txt | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sort -u > author_name_uniq2.txt

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